Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making the Most

Today as I was driving to work, lost somewhere in my own thoughts (of course!), I happened to look up at a lady in a Statue of Liberty outfit handing out pamphlets for something on sale or for a business- Bedding Experts? Tax place? I was imagining myself in that costume, and how embarrassed I would be. Then I looked at the woman's face- she must have been about 60- and to my surprise, she wasn't looking depressed and long in face- she was smiling! And, maybe- really?- laughing! That took me out of my thoughts, and I started smiling, too! How cool is it that she was making the most of her situation! She was having fun! And as I was driving away, I was thinking that what I saw has to be a lesson. Make the most of what is given to you, and smile! You never know who's life you may be affecting!

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