Sunday, November 14, 2010

It happened. Slowly, over the past week and a half, Christmas has been sloowly prying its way into 2010. Some would say,"SLOWLY? Are you kidding? Haven't you been to _______ or _______ yet?!" I would say, oh sure, I've been there, seen the plastic Christmas trees on sale, the colored lights, etc. etc. But for me, I have always been one to stave off "the season" till after Thanksgiving. I like giving Thanksgiving its whole day!

But this year, I am hearing Christmas music on the radio. I was in Michigan this past weekend, and saw a truck full of tied up firs making its way to the city.I went to the local market, and bought three firs, two for my planters, and the extra I will be giving to my neighbor. Olivia bought an ornament and some paper heart sunglasses. On the way home to Chicago, I mentioned how it smells like Christmas in the car. Olivia said Christmas doesn't have a smell. I said, Christmas to me is the smell of Christmas trees in your living room, and cinnamon sticks and cloves boiling in water coming from the kitchen (like mom used to do, and what I do now), scented candles and pine cones.

And I saw the geese flying south- a sure sign of winter around the corner. I've been listening to mother nature- I've been on the planet for nearly 42 full changes of the seasons, so I know what to listen for... and it all says winter is coming- for those of us that celebrate Christianity, Christmas. Christmas is coming.


  1. I'm glad you are teaching Oliva about the scents of the seasons! One day, out of the blue, she will say "Papa, it smells like rain" or "Papa, autumn is in the air". How about the smell of green (cut grass)? It's fun teaching children about the different scents.
