Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yesterday started out as kinda a crazy day!
As I was getting ready, I got a phone call from a business owner on our street saying we had a broken window. I made a phone call to my business partner, who I couldn't reach, then called one of our receptionists, who said she could do it, and in the meantime got a call back from business partner, which made me call our fab receptionista back to tell her not to come, which ended up making me late for work! Traffic of coarse was horrendous (I mean why wouldn't it be? I was late! Traffic always waits for you when you need to be some place in a hurry!), and I knew my darling O had a pediatrician appointment. ARGH!!!
So, on the way to work got a call saying we needed coffee (I start to feel the blood boil) and probably a Costco run (didn't I, just last week, ask for a list?), and on top of all that, I said a friend could borrow my car because I had no place to go in the morning!
It was just one of those mornings you want to rewind and start over again!
But, like usual, when things aren't going according to plan, you be patient and wait it out.
We got home. I made dinner. I feel everything returning to normal. Well, my normal at least! Then the doorbell rings- it is one of O's little friends asking if she could play. Of coarse! I sit on my front steps- I forgot how much I like just sitting on those steps- and watch the play. Then more kids! Now they are playing "telephone". Then O tells everyone about the yogurt coolisions I bought her- so, I have to get everyone a yogurt coolision! Satisfied, they play more. Then I talk to neighbors. We have to be in by 8, as the city is spraying for mosquitos. Talk on neighbors porch... then we have to go in.
We watch a cartoon, then off to bed. O can't sleep (too much fun, probably!), so she comes into my room. She talks about her day, as she yawns, and falls asleep on my chest. And the dog fell asleep on my legs. It turned out to be a great day after all!


  1. Unplanned delays, unpleasant situations, and crazy days can make you realize how beautiful your life really is! Pulling back, slowing down, watching your life before your eyes, makes the unpleasant not so bad. Makes you even more grateful for your life. Yes?

  2. Yes, andax3!! I am very grateful for my life!
