Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

My first post, and it is Earth Day!
I usually make a special trip to Home Depot on Earth Day. Why? BECAUSE they give you a little pine tree to take home and plant!
I think that is great! Alas, this years pilgrimage became a victim to a trip to the vet, a managers meeting, and then a full schedule.
The last little tree I got from Home Depot (did I mention they are free?) was planted on my old farm. It actually made it over the winter, but, sadly, meet a horrible fate at the blades of a lawn mower. He said it was an accident. I didn't buy it. He (the ex) is a wonderful gardener, and prides himself in lovely, colorful beds. He always plants trees well on there way to maturity. I, however, am a nurturer. I LOVE getting the little thing, barely making a print on the earth, and rejoice in watching it take root and grow! I also give the little buggers room to spread. Maybe that was the problem. Or maybe he didn't like me that particular day. At any rate, I planted it by the chicken coop ( I also had chickens that I let free range in all those glorious flower beds... hmmm.). I thought it had plenty of room, and I thought it was in far enough off the grass. Well, we all know the fate of Pinus Something or other. Oh, and the fate of the chickens that I thoughtfully ordered from MurrayMcMurray hatchery? Well, lets just say I was told they were "given away" to a farm family. I totally doubt they lived out their lives in a large chicken coop with east facing windows, and crazily planted "needs some T.L.C." plants from the nursery to look out at.
At any rate, thank you Home Depot for nurturing our dreams of a tree filled world, one that produces oxygen and absorbs CO2!
Happy Earth Day everyone!

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