Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years is almost here. A time for reflecting on the past year- the challenges, the hopes, the success's. It is also a time to move forward- hence, I believe, why many of us make New Years resolutions.
I think it is a good time to make some personal resolutions as well. I'm not talking about "I will lose 15 pounds by March" kinda resolutions. I am talking about some personal, for yourself, resolutions to make yourself happy in 2011. It could be to forgive so and so for doing such and such. It could be making an effort to say hi with a smile to a few strangers a week. It should be an attainable goal, or resolution. And you will benefit not only in your moods, but in your health!
This past year I have been doing lots of personal housekeeping- letting go of people that have been userous, negative people, and focused on those that make me happy, or make me feel good by simply being in their company. I have also made some good friends. I will continue this "movement" (!) into 2011!
I will also start thinking that 2011 will be a wonderful, prosperous year, so that it will in fact become a wonderful, prosperous year! I was taught that energy follows thought, so I am being very mindful of what I will be thinking in the new year. It has actually been proven that crime rates have dropped in areas where people meditate and put out good energy!
So that is a good resolution for all of us- to think positively about the new year, and not to harbor any negative thoughts. Let's take charge of our own happiness by making OURSELVES happy, relying on ourselves for happiness, and to put out good, thoughtful energy! We are the captains of our own ships, so be mindful of where YOU steer it!
Come on 2011! I welcome you!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Well, the gifts have all been opened, the laughter and love shared, and the realization that I am one truly blessed human being is in my thoughts.
To all my family and friends (isn't that all the same?), I want to thank you for being in my life! I love you all!
And thank you to a very special person that has opened me up to loving again-

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The cookies are fresh out of the oven, we watched "Polar Express", and there is the anticipation of Santa Claus coming. Yes, it feels like Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Six days 'till Christmas!

Six days till Christmas... WOW!
Five nights from now kids all over the world, kids that celebrate Christmas, will be anxiously awaiting "The Big Day". I remember the first Christmas in our new home in Milwaukee when I was about 5. It was our second Christmas after moving to the Midwest from Connecticut. We always celebrated on Christmas Eve. Our home was tiny- two bedrooms, one bath, six kids and one mom- and it was HEAVEN! The image of that Christmas was seared into my head- my mom and oldest brother where in the living room helping Santa (actually doing all the work!) and the rest of us were in the kitchen, mostly unable to hold our excitement back- SANTA IS HERE! SANTA IS HERE! Well, we heard mom say bye to Santa, and the door opened up, and- WOW! The Christmas Tree was lit, and there were so many presents under the tree! That was the year I got my orange roll up sled I used for years- I believed it made me go faster down the hills than any other kid- and even if I didn't end up first, I didn't care! It was the most magical Christmas I can remember- mom always made it so special for all of us, and how she did it I have no clue.
In our home now, we usually celebrate Christmas morning. I know how difficult it can be for a single parent this time of year- you want the best for your child. I know a parents love for a child may put your emotions over the top with what to do/buy, but remember this- that very special Christmas night long ago was followed by my mom putting us all to bed- and telling us Merry Christmas and she loves us- and that made for a very good night sleep. Yep, the perfect way to end that day- with love.
So, hold your kids tight, tell them how much you love them, and send them off to slumber thinking they are the most special kids in the world. I still remember that, 37 years later.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fill your life with love today- let it get into every corner, every cell of your being, and watch beauty unfold.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ho ho Holidays!

It's a great time of year!
This Christmas I am looking forward to with such joyful anticipation!
It's been awhile since I could really say that, and it feels good! I have no negativity this year like the past two, and let me tell you, that is reason enough to celebrate!
So, of course there is the usual stresses: presents to buy, busy schedule, etc. etc., but when you are surrounded by loving, good people that have your best interest in mind, that is such a joy! And a relief!
My sister from Vermont will be coming to visit Olivia and I- it will be the first time she will see my home. My mom and sister from Wisconsin will be coming, too! So much love in one little house! And my little home is becoming quite festive- garland on the light fixture, Christmas tree (the cats didn't knock it over yet!) that will have ornaments on it, both new and old, and the usual Christmas smells- indeed a time to celebrate!
So when you are going about your busy lives, think about your holiday, too- and make it the best one in years! I know it will be mine!