Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Reconnecting. It is such a funny word to me. I am one who sometimes takes a word and deconstructs it. Reconnecting. Once you were connected. Then you weren't. Then you were again! Reconnected!
I have recently "reconnected" with a friend from high school, and honestly, it is great! I love family stories. I remember what we were both doing before I moved, what was happening with the dynamics of her family, mine. Then a span of over 20 years! Pick up the beat again, find out how many kids we have, how our siblings are doing- amazing. So much can happen in the expanse of 20(ish) years!
It's also amazing how if you are quiet and settle your mind down, how much you can actually remember. The good,the bad, the hard to remember but you do anyway, maybe because of emotion or self realization. But you do just that. You turn that key in that specific part of your brain, and open the door. What comes out is what you put in. You re:member. Re:count. Your history.
Your life, friends lives, where you were mentally and where. The capacity for all re: things are great.
Do it. Settle down. Think of a person or, maybe, a place... re:member. Re:count; re:connect.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A friend once asked me what it is like being a single parent these days. I said though it has its challenges, I am happy being a parent. And raising a child in a happy single household is better than a coupled unhappy household. Yes, I may not be in as good of shape as I once was, when I had the time (and energy!) to go to the gym and lift weights and run miles on the track. But I still wouldn't exchange a perfect body for that of being a papa!
As a single parent, you really learn how to make the most of your free (free?) time. You shop in the 20 minutes you have before you have to pick her up from school. In the 10 minutes you have before you know she'll wake up, you take a quick shower.
But nothing, nothing compares to the joy of experiences you can have with your child. Especially us. I take time to explain things to the best of my ability, even if it means we'll be late for something. I would rather see her happy going to school in an outfit she picked out than one I know she'll look better in that I picked out.
And knowing that she will one day grow up and move out, makes all these experiences so rich for me. They are all safely bubble wrapped and tucked away in my heart. Who knows? I may pull one out someday for one of her kids to enjoy.
That's if I feel like sharing!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Well, it's been awhile since my last entry, no particular reason why, other than I have been busy figuring things out. And for those who know me, they know I can be quiet while I think things over.
One thing I know is that I am a good person. I usually put others first, do for them sometimes when I need to do for myself or my family first.
Another is I am so ready to start dating seriously. I have so many things I want to do, and most would be enjoyed so much more with a partner. I know the next man I give my heart to will be patient, loving, kind, and have a good soul. I misspelled good as god at first, my fingers flying over the key pad, and I guess I would welcome a "God soul" as well! I know he's out there, and all I have to do is be patient and open to opportunities.
And as always, I have the best daughter one could ever hope for, not that I had to figure that one out! She is becoming such an independent thinker. I marvel listening to her, watch her... I hope her life is always full of love and opportunity. Whatever she chooses for herself, I will be behind her cheering her on.
Love and light~